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Become your own cook

‘Cook fresh’ is aimed at individuals with little or no experience cooking food from scratch. The classes introduce simple, quick and easy cooking methods adaptable by many, with the introduction of recipes that are healthy and fresh. Also the nutritional benefits that fresh herbs, salads, seeds, and specific spices have on the mind, body and soul. Eventually the individuals will have improved confidence and the ability to create and cook their own dishes simply and effectively from the comfort of their own homes. Allowing them to make use of their own creative ideas when cooking for themselves. Moving them away from simple unhealthy processed foods offered in supermarkets. General food safety and hygiene around the kitchen is also introduced to the participants.


There are also additional added benefits of being able to cook for yourself and others, which include: Better concentration, increased focus keeps you active not forgetting how it enhances your imagination. You also get a better sense of purpose, achievement, confidence, higher aspirations, self-respect and a deeper sense of belonging and identity and a greater sense of self esteem.

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